Sunday, July 09, 2006

Why so Surprised?

I had an interesting exchange with my ex this morning. I called him to confirm what time he would be coming to pick up the children. I guess my name change with Bell Canada must have kicked in today, and that it must have shown up on his call display. He seemed completely shocked by the fact that I have changed my name. I'm not totally sure why, I mean the divorce is official, so one would think a name change would be in order.

He asked me "Well, you changed your name I see, did you change it at the office too?"... I smiled to myself. No matter what else, he knows me well enough to know that changing my name at the office would be a big move for me, and a step that I would be unlikely to take. He also knows full well that if I did take the step, it would be telling. I confirmed that yes, I have changed it. He was a bit irritated, but handled it ok I suppose.

When I sent my email to the world telling everyone of the name change, I deliberately took his name off the list. I didn't see the need in putting salt in his wounds. I forgot that he would see the name when I called him....But it's all in the open now so that's good I suppose.

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