Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I don't think it's torn. If I had a torn knee cartilage, it would be much worse than this. I woke up to really bad pain, but as the day progressed and as I sat on the couch with my laptop all day (with my leg elevated), the pain has decreased somewhat. I'm still limping, but at least I can walk now. That has to be a great sign. My guess is I sprained it or something, but that it should heal soon. Maybe days. Now I feel dumb. Watch it heal by Monday and I'll walk into the office like nothing even happened. That would be kind of funny. Don't get me wrong, it would be quite a stretch, but would be funny nonetheless. As it is right now, I can't move the leg without the tensor on it, and I can walk (or hop) if I put all my weight on the other leg. Let's just wait and see how this goes. Tomorrow, after all, is a new day.

I finally told my dad the truth last night about finalizing the divorce proceedings. I was holding off on sharing this information with him until I really had to do it, but now I kind of felt that I had to. He was over last night to pay me company, so that was nice of him. I mentioned that I was looking for an alarm system and he asked why- what changed my mind. I decided to tell him everything- the divorce proceedings, that things should be final, my ex going on and off his meds, last weekend's drama, everything. He listened solemnly and took it well. After all, he knew this was coming. I reassured him that I was happy, and that I would be fine. He smiled and said that he was fine if I was, and that I deserved much better, and that he's happy I'm moving on. I had to agree. I think he's right. I do deserve better, and to be honest, even being alone with the children if I never meet anyone again would be better than what I had, so either way, I'm better off. I think my father understands that. Now I can really move on.

As for today, I plugged away all day trying to get caught up on email. No, I'm not caught up. Not even close, but I am plugging away. I did do one thing though. In between conference calls and emails, I managed to get an ADT rep in here. He gave me and estimate, and I signed a 3 year contract. My girlfriends will be happy to know that as of next week, I will have an alarm system. No more fears, no more wondering if the ex will show up....Maybe even no more nightmares. That will be a welcomed change.

So, tomorrow I have the ultrasound on my leg. I tried calling them and asking for a different time, but they wouldn't do it. Just my luck. I was not happy about canceling dinner plans for tomorrow night. Oh well, either way. Maybe an uneventful day will be good for me. I'll be home alone in the day, and I have the ultrasound at night. Halfway through the day today I realized that my drivers license expires tomorrow. Dang. I called my dad and he agreed to get it done for me, so he went to the Ministry of Transport on my behalf. Hey- the way I see it, by the time I can go on my own, my license will be expired anyways, so somebody would have to drive me there. This was equally an inconvenience. My dad brought me back all the renewal papers. He saved me a trip to the registration office, and the frustration of an expired license. Yaay daddy! Parents are so awesome!

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