Saturday, February 25, 2006

Girl Time

Well, as an update to yesterday, yes the furnace has been fixed. The guy came after 7pm and said he "just received the call 10 minutes ago", so that was really bad. Either way, at least it is warmer in the house now, so that's a start.

My daughter and I have a "girl weekend" together this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it. Last weekend, she didn't want to go with her dad. I think she misses the solitary one on one time with me, so we agreed to spend the weekend together, just the two of us. She's being really sweet about it, and I promised her we would get to do girl things together. I think I'm going to paint her fingernails....She'll be sure to get a kick out of that.

My behaviour with the Sears person yesterday is bothering me a bit. I mean, yes it was stressful, and with the divorce stuff and other things, I have been a bit pre-occupied lately. I think it's having a bigger effect on me than I've been willing to admit. I think I'm trying to tell myself that I am able to go through this with zero emotion, but it's not quite accurate. I'm not saying that I'm regretting my decisions, but I am saying that the entire process is very emotionally draining. It's to the point that (I kid you not), I must have randomly broke down and cried for about an hour yesterday. That's just nuts. I am so embarrassed.

I spent last night asking myself what I can do to help this time pass. I thought of the usual options:

1) Take a week off work- nice option but I did that in December, and here I am again...It obviously is a short term fix but doesn't help me long term
2) Go on a vacation- This sounds great, despite the dent that it would make to the line of credit, but really, its a temporary thing like #1, with the added possibility that I might just come back even more tired than I am now
3) Take a few weeks leave from work- I contemplated this too, but turned it down because despite the fact that it probably would help more than the first two items, I can't afford a leave without pay, and I just don't have it in me to do something like a stress leave (even though I probably am a prime candidate for this type of thing- I mean how many people do you know that are going through what I am, and how often in your life does it really happen? Besides, I can't be on more tranquilizers, sleeping pills, or migraine pills than I currently am). But still, it's just not me, so I'm going to rule that out too. I mean, can you imagine the optics of something like that at work? That would be a career killer, so no thanks.

Hmmm. Look- I've run out of options. Status quo till I break. Good plan.

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