Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This is insane. I am a person that cannot handle heat and it's like 48 Celsius out there. I am literally melting. Thank God I didn't wear makeup today....It would have been melting on my shirt or something.

I had lunch with my girlfriend for her birthday, and we walked over to the restaurant in the boiling heat. I thought I was going to pass out or just plain die. By the time we got there I was so hot and sick that I swore I would never walk outside again...Except for the walk back to the office.

I don't handle heat well, so of course, as the afternoon progressed I felt sicker and sicker, and by 3pm, I just left the office. I couldn't concentrate, and felt really nauseated. I need to find somewhere else to go in this weather.

On another note, the ex drama continues. He's been bashing me with mean emails again. Honestly he's worse than a majorly PMS-ing woman. I often wonder what the heck I ever saw in him. It's sad...You can spend a good chunk of your life with someone, but at the end of the day, there is just a very very fine line between love and hate. Cross it and it's hard to go back. I mean I wish him well and everything, but other times (like today), I just cannot stand him.

I'm at a point where I feel like I've been pushed too far by him. His emails are irritating me, and now I think I'm going to start pushing back, and hard. It's time to bring out my mean side, out from wherever the heck she's been hibernating.

I've done the nice thing, I've done the cordial thing, I've done the patient thing. An 11 year painful marriage and 2 year God-Awful separation later...It's time to just take out the trash once and for all. (Enter shaz's bitchy side)....The truth of the matter is, I don't get mad very often. But when I do, it is not pretty.

Now I'm mad. We are finally divorced and he still won't back off. He has NO IDEA what he's in for in the next few weeks...


Lt. Dan said...

See, this is why email filters were invented.

My suggestion: don't react. Don't push back. Ignore him. Like I've told you before, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. He *wants* you to react and pay attention. Don't. Ignore him. Otherwise you're doing exactly what he wants, and he gets you back into this poisonous loop.

shaz said...

Hmmm...ever considered changing careers and becoming a therapist? ;)

I know...you're right...he just totally gets to me big time.

I replied to one email and basically gave him the "you don't influence me, bother me, or phase me" line and walked around his tactics. I think he got the point because his next email basically changed in tone.

I did draft another meaner one that I intended to send in a day or so. On second thought, perhaps I won't send it after all, based on the advice you just gave.

Thanks again Dan.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dan.

Attention grabbers like any kind of attention, even negative attention. So your ex knows how to push your buttons to get a reaction out of you. Don't respond (just ignore him *completely*) and he'll stop pushing those buttons.

And if you run into him because of the kids and asks you why you ignored his emails, say you've been just too busy and have no time for silliness or futile talk, or are having problems with emails, have changed your address, etc. There are always things to do, food to cook, laundary to wash, kids to take care of. You do *not* have time for him.

And please remember, all the ugly things he has written about you or said to you are NOT true. Don't you dare believe any of those.

The Buddhist view would be, he's an unevolved soul. Pity him.

shaz said...

An unevolved soul. I LOVE you. Whoever you are :)

I should read more of the buddist stuff...must be...liberating.