Saturday, April 05, 2008

Simple Moments...

Ever have one of those absolutely delicious moments, where you feel so happy for NO REASON at all? I'm having one of those. In fact, I've been enjoying it for about two hours of pure bliss.

I am sitting at a Starbucks Cafe, on my laptop, working (office stuff), on a couch by the window, soaking in the sun and sipping my favourite latte. And despite the fact that I am doing office work, I am happy, and it is the simplest of pleasures that has brought me this happiness. I feel like I had a great day, and that I deserve a good moment. And I think I'm right.

This weekend so far has been a good one:
  • I worked late yesterday, and cleared my office inbox. It has been eating on my nerves for weeks and although working that late is not a regular habit, I did this for the sole, selfish reason of lifing the burden on my shoulders of 180 unread emails. Mission accomplished, burden lifted.
  • I took my son for his Tae Kwon Do test at 9:30 this morning. I watched attentively as he earned his green belt. I was thoroughly impressed as I saw his passion. And, as he sparred, I felt satisfied that by the time he is 13, he may be a black belt, and if that father of his dares to touch him when he is 13, well, let's just say he will be able to protect himself. Mommy can't always be there, but I feel good knowing he will one day be safe, even if I am not around. By sending him for Tae Kwon Do, I'm giving him the tools to protect himself. And yes, he got his green belt today :)
  • After that, I took my children to see their father at the supervision centre. I feel good that they are safe, and that they can have some time with their dad. He is, after all, their father, and so, we must all learn to deal with him in some capacity or another. The fact that they can have a good relationship while being safe and protected is as perfect as that can be.
  • While they were visiting their dad, I went to the gym and had what I think might have been the most intense workout of my life. 500 calories and a few buckets of sweat later, I picked up the children and went home to take a shower. What an awesome feeling! There is something so incredible about feeling the beads of sweat on your body and feeling the water wash them away. I just can't explain it.
  • I got a phone call from my former brother in law about two hours ago. He is the one I get alone with. He is also the one that does not get along with my ex. He called to see how the children were doing. On that call, he asked if I was happy. I said yes. He said that he was happy to hear it, and that in all the years we have known eachother, he knows I would never do anything to hurt others, and that I am fair. So whatever I am doing must be the right thing. Then he asked if he could see the children. I said absolutely. I will take them over in a few weeks. What a lovely call!
  • Next, I dropped the children off at a birthday party and came here to Starbucks to finish a document for my boss (no I don't mind working today). And I just realized, this is a really really awesome moment.
  • And as I type this, I just got a call from Mr. NYC, who is currently overseas in Dubai. He was just about to go to sleep and called to say good night :)
Top that... :)

Isn't it amazing how sometimes the smallest of things can bring us the biggest burst of happiness? I am SO grateful for this weekend

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