Monday, October 01, 2007

Anxiously Waiting

I wish it were this time tomorrow because this process would be overwith (well-day one of a year and a half long court battle would be overwith).

I went to see my chiropractor today. On Thursday, I rear ended someone at a stop light. That would be my first at fault accident since I was 16. My insurance rates will take a hit. Life is nice, isn't it? When it rains, it pours.

Anyhow, my chiropractor said to take it as a gift. I was at a low speed, nobody got hurt (not even me, despite the previous back injury), and perhaps it was a sign to take it slower, before something major happens. I mean, I wasn't even on the phone! Anyhow, I'll just chalk this up as part of life. It's already been bugging me for days, so I need to let this one go now. It is what it is.

Then, today, I was heading to a meeting at our Bloor/Islington Office. I had to pick up something at St George first and wasn't paying attention when I got on the subway. I was so engrossed in God-knows-what that it took me 7 stops to realize that I had gotten on the Northbound train instead of the Westbound one. That was a total blonde moment. Needless to say, I was late for the meeting. 30 minutes late. Sigh.

Anyhow, I was telling my chiropractor about the status of the case. She and I go back about 8 years, so she has watched much of this unfold. She basically said that his reaction to my documents is somewhat predictable. Never push a man into a corner, because once he has nothing to lose and nowhere to go, he will fight hard and dirty and all integrity goes out the window. How true. We both agreed that I didn't have a choice but to go through this process, but we also agreed that he is just plain cruel, so you can't expect any amount of integrity from him. She offered to give me a character witness or an affidavit. That was kind of her. Funny how some people will go out of their way for you when you really need them, while others sit back and watch. Yet again, this has been a great learning experience for me.

Anyhow, wish me luck for tomorrow. I seriously doubt I will get any sleep. I had scheduled the day off work tomorrow, but there is one meeting that I didn't feel I should miss so I am going into the office for 10am. Then I will leave at 11 and get to the courthouse for 1:30. In hindsight, maybe it's better that I'm keeping busy in the morning. If I were home, I might have just cried myself to oblivion and showed up at the courthouse with puffy eyes. That just wouldn't be good.

Anyhow, I did take a couple of hours off this afternoon. I went and watched the children in Tae Kwan Do class and then took them to the park. I thought it was fitting to focus the night before court on the children.

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