Saturday, January 07, 2006

Computer Virus

For all the people who have emailed me asking where I've been, thanks for all your concern guys. I'm doing fine. My computer was infected with a nasty virus on New Year's Eve, and well, I've been without one since then. I had to send mine back to the office and have my tech friends fix it for me. Yes, it was an office computer...Stop laughing at me.

I feel Amish having been without a computer for a week, and I am proud to say that I did, in fact, manage to leave the blackberry off. I am, however, looking forward to going back to my work routine, but promise to be better at managing the work/home balance.

Since my laptop was re-imaged, I've lost all wireless settings and internet stuff, so we will be fixing all that tomorrow. I should be back up to speed by tomorrow night, just in time for the work week, and for my office work-from-home routine.

On another note, what is the deal with our community? I can thank 'anonymous' for rightly pointing out that it is a few arrogant Muslim community leaders who are to blame, but here we go again. Our second Eid is this Tuesday, AND Wednesday, or so I hear, as we still can't seem to get our act together and agree on ONE day. It feels like we will NEVER get our act together....I am SO embarrassed.

Sadly, I don't know if I will get the time off work, since I just took two weeks off. My dad reminded me that it is truly pathetic that I can take two weeks off at Christmas, but that I can't take a day off for Eid. Truthfully, that one is my fault. I forgot about Eid when I took my vacation, so I can't exactly go in on Monday after 2 weeks off and ask for Tuesday (or Wednesday) off again....So it looks like I may have to work through Eid.

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