Monday, January 12, 2009

Accident Prone Kids

I'm sitting here this evening, watching my son read a book. His new sling from his elbow fracture has slowed him down a bit. Some of you who have watched things progress in our lives over the past few years will remember a few of my son's accidents. Like the head stitches or the ear stitches.

My son is accident prone. He gets it from me. I broke just about everything and stitched up just about everything else when I was little. It's funny because our family doctor has been my doctor since I was 4 years old. He's watched me grow up, he's watched me date my now-ex, get married, have kids, get divorced, and now watched my custody case unfold. He has been the children's doctor since they were born. My funniest moment today was when he was examining my son's elbow and he said "this needs xrays". I asked if he was sure, after all, my son is always bumping into things and getting bruised or sore in some spot or another. And he banged this on Friday and is feeling better today. His reply, "Yes, I'm sure. After all, he's YOUR son, with your clumsy genes, and if I've had anything, I've had LOTS of practice with these things on you when you were little".

Yeah, yeah, everyone's a comedian. He did make me smile though.

And he was right. He explained to me that from the place it was swollen he could tell there would likely be a fracture. I waited an hour to get the xrays done and another hour for the results to be phoned in, but he was 100% right. I love my doctor.

You know what else I love? Brave little boys. My son woke up today saying "yeah, it's still sore, but it's a lot better". Even more cute- the way he totally milked it when he found out he would be wearing a sling. Among his list of demands:
  • "I don't have to write in school because it's my right arm and the sling is in the way".
  • "I should get to play video games instead of doing TaeKwanDo class because of my injury". (As a side note, he was not impressed when I pointed out that if he could play video games then he could also write).
  • "I won't go out for recess because my coat won't zip up over the sling". (Well, if the teacher helps it will, but I'm supporting him on this cuz it's freezing outside anyways).
  • "I won't wait outside for the school bus because it's cold and my coat won't zip. So my sister can wait in the cold and come inside to call me when the bus arrives". (He is SO lucky that his supportive sis was willing to do this).
  • "I couldn't eat lunch today because I couldn't open the food with one hand". (So you managed to eat your potato chips instead of your sandwich? Really?)
  • "I can't do my chores" (OK I will give you this one).
  • "I can't brush my teeth". (Yes, well that's why God gave you TWO hands....)
Kids are hilarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor guy. My son didn't even know he was hurt so when I told him he had a broken arm he couldn't believe it. I hope he heals quickly and easily.