Friday, November 30, 2012

Swim Lesson #4

Last night was my 4th swimming lesson. Each week I learn something new and each week I get a little more confident.

Last week I ditched the floating device and learned how to add in the arms to move myself forward. It was hard. I kept wiping out and had to stop halfway through a lap of the pool. But I felt fab because I was learning to swim without a floater.

This week, I continued on the same lesson. But this time I was able to do 10 laps (not consecutive, I had to take a break after each lap). But at least I didn't have to stop halfway through the lap. I'm getting there.

Yesterday, I had lunch at the food court with a girlfriend who I met after a year. She asked if I'm taking care of myself yet, doing anything for me since the last time we met. My answer to this question is almost always no. Life is busy with work and two kids and their homework. Who has time for anything else?

But this time I was able to say yes. Ive joined a gym with better class hours and am now going 4 times a week rather than 1-2 times a week. I've also started weekly swimming lessons. I've also started making time once every two weeks to have dinner with a friend. Just me time. The kids are just old enough that I can do this. And it feels good. They don't mind me doing things for myself. (They actually want to come and watch my swim lessons!), and they don't mind having 2 hrs to hang at home so I can grab coffee or lunch with a friend once in awhile.

Life is slowly getting better.

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