Sunday, July 20, 2008

And my Babies are Home...

The children are back from their weekend with their dad's. They stayed at his brother's home, so it was a supervised visit. They had a lot of fun, and their dad was on good behaviour. Thank God. I can breathe a sigh of relief.

On another note, I am emotionally drained from this weekend. It is very rare for me to spend so much time to myself and I learned a few things this weekend:
  1. I am truly an extrovert. I knew this before, but now I know what it REALLY means. I need to be around people to recharge. I feel like I haven't recharged so I feel a bit like I still need that face time with people. That being said, I did sort through a lot of stuff, so that is good.
  2. I actually can live with myself, and I know that no matter what, even if I am single forever, that's OK. I will be just fine.
  3. The best friends are those who can see you in your darkest hour and still be there for you, even when you are being really moody.
  4. For some of us (people like me), our friends and family are our world.

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