Monday, April 09, 2007

Don't Worry. I'm Still Alive!

Wow- I never would have thought that people would start calling me when I haven't blogged. People are calling me to see if I'm OK. It's sweet and actually a bit comical.

Guys, I'm fine. I've been dealing with some things on a personal level, but for once in my life, I'm dealing with them well. Let's just say that I doubt I'll be going to NY anytime soon. And don't worry, I'm just fine. I've surprised myself actually, because really I am just fine.

And OK, well I did go to Chapters and pick up a few hilariously funny books about break ups, and they did help. It's all been a learning experience. And, you know it was a good one when you can seriously say that if you had the chance to do it all over again, you would still go down the same road. With my ex husband, I would say hell no. With Mr. NYC, I would say most definitely.

So there you have it. As for my personal soul searching and decision making....OK, well, there is no tactful way to say this, so I think I'll piss off all Muslims, Desi's (Indo-Paks) and men overall, but I think I've pretty much decided that next time, I'm done with the Paks. I'd like my next dating experience to be a...hmm...for lack of a politically correct term, I'd like to date a white guy. The indo men just aren't my type. They don't understand me, and well, I can't tolerate them. They get on my nerves. Mr. NYC was a good balance cuz his ex wife was Italian...he had the non-desi tendencies. Other than that, I think I'm ready for a big change.

So why the white guy? Here are a few bonus points:
  • I think they're better looking (well, most of them are)
  • They find Indian girls exotic
  • They tend to be more gentlemanly (I know, not a word, leave me alone. My blog, my word)
  • They will be more respectful (my assumption, again, my blog, I can make assumptions)
  • They will respect my independence
  • Most importantly, I think they will understand me better. Pak guys always give me a hard time for being too Western. I always get told that. Well hell ya, I was born here...what did you expect?
  • White guys are more fun
OK- Now I'll sit back and wait for the Shaz bashing. Let me start you off:
  • Shaz is politically incorrect- she called them white guys
  • I make too many assumptions and generalizations
  • I just haven't met the right Desi guy yet (Ya, OK, will he be at the helm of the FOB boat?)
  • What about your Desi male friends? (OK guys. Firstly, they are very cool, but they are my friends. And so they are about the only cool Desi guys around. The rest are just...not my type. The one that was, turned out not to be)
  • What if the white guys turn out to be just as bad? (Then I'll join a nunnery. I'll be the first ever former Hijabi nun with kids).
:) I feel so much better now.


Anonymous said...

I GOTTA COMMENT! this is too funny ("helm of the FOB boat"?) - btw I'm glad you're recovering NICELY. Too funny how you've chosen your main course from the menu of men! You know what my advice will be: plz make sure the white dude's an M. (which kinda diminishes the pickings...BUT, on the other hand, makes it more of a challenge!)

Lt. Dan said...

I think you're giving my race & gender too much credit. You don't specifically need a white guy; you just need someone who isn't a dick.

Actually, scratch that: you don't need anybody.

shaz said...

You guys are both funny. I know you think* I'm giving them too much credit Dan, but come and spend a day with me at a Pak function and let's see what you say then...

I still dig the white dudes.