Thursday, February 16, 2012

40 Already?

I turned 40 last week.  That was an interesting milestone for me.  Kind of left me with mixed feelings.  On the one hand, I felt thankful- I have wonderful children, I have exceptional friends, and despite the many challenges that have come my way, I am still standing.  It hasn't always been easy, and I have had my share of breakdowns, but I'm still alive, and so far I'm well.

On the other hand, I had a few not so nice people remind me that it "only goes downhill from here", that "gravity kicks in" at 40, and oh yes, my personal favorite "it's been 8 years since your divorce- when will live ever be stable?"  ---seriously?  Have you seen my asshole ex?  Cut me some slack here.

Anyhow, trying to ignore the negativity...trying to be positive.

On a really positive note, my sister threw me one heck of a diva birthday party.  That was pretty darned fabulous.  It was a dinner with the diva women around me, the ones I have come to love and adore.  It was great to have all that lovely female support on a day when I really needed it.  There was a reason that party was for women only.  It was a lovely reminder of the strength and power we gain from the sisterhood of women.  God bless each and every one of them.

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