That's right. I did say that. And, I still believe it. Something inside me knows that this will be a good year for me. Even if it's started off badly. Badly because well, work is not all that enjoyable, I'm not that happy around the kids and their response to things, (actually, I'm feeling a bit threatened), and the guy that I've been seeing for 8 months lives so far away that we barely get to see each other. It's all too weird. But I know it will get better.
I turn 35 tomorrow. I'm told that according to some astrologers, life and luck renews itself or changes every 7 years. 35 will mark a new 7 year cycle. Since the last 7 were definitely not great, I'm hoping the next 7 will be good. Let's wait and see.
I've noticed lately that my son has been getting angry alot. He gets frustrated and can't find the words to deal with things. This is not the little boy I knew. Mich and Rich have been pointing it out. A few weekends ago, when my office friend came over to stay, she noticed the change in him as well. I've been seeing it too. Then there is school. His teacher says he doesn't seem motivated, that he has moments where he's just so emotional that it's hard to bring him back, but that he's definitely trying. Then today, Mich went to pick up my son from Tae-Kwan-Do, and the instructor advised her that he wanted to speak to me. My mom has been going every day to pick him up, because of my long nights at the office, and today I sent Mich to do it. Apparently, he's becoming very disruptive and emotional and disrespectful to the point that the instructor isn't sure what to do.
I feel so disappointed. I mean, I don't know what to do. My son acts like he's OK, but if you step back, this is ALOT of change for a little 7 year old boy. It must be taking a toll on him. I'm not surprised. I mean, I'm sure it's taking a toll on ME, and I'm an adult.
I think I need to start considering therapy for him. I want to make sure that he's doing OK. This is NOT what I wanted. I didn't file for divorce to screw up my kids. I just....wanted things to be better.
Either way, I'm going to try to be responsible, and ensure that I do everything I can to help things stabilize for my family. I want to make sure that my children are OK. They are, after all, my responsibility, and pretty much all I have left.
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