Monday, May 15, 2006

Little Gifts From God

This is actually a cute story, and a good example of how children listen to everything we say, and that they retain all of it. It's also a good example of how these wee ones can manage to twist everything we say and use it to their advantage.

I was tucking my daughter and son in and they were going buck wild...They didn't want to sleep and were jumping around, talking, making excuses to go to the bathroom, requesting a snack, anything to avoid sleeping. After several attempts to settle them down, I must admit, I became a bit irritated and told them something along the lines of if they don't go to bed right this minute, I would no longer spend all my time staying with them and tucking them in. If they wanted to jump around, I would go to my room and they could tuck themselves in. (Hey- don't judge me. Many mothers would have said much worse).

Anyhow. My daughter recalled that I had once told her that children are a gift from God. Children are both a gift because they bring us such pleasure as well as a responsibility because God has entrusted parents to take care of them and raise them well. She heard my words and scolded:

"Mommy- is that how you treat gifts from God? We are your presents. You have to treat us kindly. Walking away and not tucking us in isn't very nice. If you do that, God will be really angry at you".

OK- Talk about your own words biting you in the butt. I was dumbfounded. Um- well ok how do I respond now? So I said:

"Did I forget to tell you that I'm YOUR gift from God? He could have given you a mean witchy mommy but instead he gave you a mommy like me. If you don't appreciate me and treat me with respect, then YOU are making God angry too".

My daughter's response? "Mommy- who is he angrier at, me or you?"

I was not prepared to go into battle with a 4 year old at bedtime. So I said, "Both of us. Can we please try harder?" She agreed. Saved.

Oh yeah....Some days I am SO NOT looking forward to the conversations we will have when these guys hit their teenage years. Calgon take me away....

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