Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Restful Day

I woke up at 1pm today. Seriously. I haven't done that in like, forever, like 10 years or something. It was heavenly. Then I chatted online with friends, had breakfast, and watched TV. I am loving the day to myself. The gym closes at 4pm, so I've pretty much missed that, but I don't mind. I've gone almost every day for the past few days, so one day off won't kill me. I do, however feel great now that I have gone back to the gym. My body responds quickly, so I can see the muscle toning coming back. Hooray or muscles!

Anyhow, the children come home at 8pm, so I have a few hours to rest and then I get to see my babies. I am so relaxed and happy today.

What an awesome start to a New Year.

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