Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mean Girls

Little girls start so young. My girlfriend from the office came over a few weekends ago, and she stayed overnight. She got the opportunity to spend lots of time with my daughter, talking about school, about her friends, about life in general. My daughter is like me...always likes to talk, always likes to spend time with people. She's very comfortable with my friend as well, so it was a nice visit overall.

One of the things she talked about was her school, and how cliquish the little girls are. For example, if she goes to school and doesn't wear something girly enough, they won't play with her. So if she wears pants, they have to be girly, which means pink, or sparkly, or flowered or something. So while she has many sparkly jeans, and flower printed jeans, that would explain why she refuses to wear her plain navy blue boot cuts from the GAP for example. No sparkles, not acceptable. She doesn't want to be left to play alone.

I find this mean. What the heck are the teachers there for? I mean, this is like SK level here. Not even grade one. Isn't it kind of young to start with this crap? I was so annoyed.

Anyhow, the next day, she wore her brand new sparkle jeans with her crystal top. Lots of bling. She came home and said it was a waste of an outfit, because Sydney wasn't at school. She asked if I could phone Sydney's mom in the morning and find out if Sydney is going to school. If she's not going to school, my daughter can wear a plain outfit. If she is going to school, then we need to dress her in something fancy.

Well, I guess we just found the ringleader. The little blond-haired blue-eyed kid with an attitude. So lemme get this wear plain jeans and little blondie has enough influence to make sure that the majority of the girls don't play with you? How do you manage that conversation with the kid's mom? Or do you? I mean, my daughter will go to a different school starting September, and probably a summer program in July, so really, its just 5 more months and she won't have to deal with blondie again.

Then again, what if there's a blondie in the next school? What if she's worse?

So I guess I have three options:

1) Help my daughter dress acceptably so she doesn't have the social hurt (OK you know that's not good enough)

2) Teach her to do what she REALLY wants and how to stand up to little blondie

3) Teach her how to become the ringleader so she doesn't have to worry about the blondies of the world.

I'm thinking option 2, but option 3 is a pretty good backup plan. Option 4 would be going to school and taking down the blond chick, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be acceptable behaviour for a mom :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

option 2 will set her up for life.
