Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Keep Your Comments to Yourself Please...

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
-Eleanor Roosevelt-

I love this quote. It's so true. Ever go through a phase when you feel like those around you are just judging you? Here are some of the things I recently heard through friends...
  • You're doing the best you can to raise the children. Sure, they are going to turn out messed up as a result of the divorce, but at least you can have an impact on how messed up they are (Thanks jerk! The weird thing is, this was meant to somehow be a compliment!)
  • "You're a great person when you're not moody" (Um- isn't everyone?)
  • Why would somebody as smart as you be stupid enough to marry that guy anyways? I think that was SUCH a bad life choice that it almost makes you look like a stupid person (I know you hate him, but easy on the insults buddy!)
  • Don't worry- we'll have you dressing really cool soon (what the heck is wrong with the way I dress anyways? And this from someone whose taste in clothes I can't even stand! UGH!)
Maybe I'm in a mood these days. On my reading list at the moment is "Why men love bitches". I highly recommend the book to any girl who is over accommodating to the people in her life, but never appreciated for any of it.

I'm a funny mix. I can be a bee-otch at work in meetings, putting my foot down on projects etc, but I am the total opposite in my personal life. I think I over compensate at work. My goal for this upcoming year (2008) will be to bring those two to a balance. Let's see how I do.

Anyhow, yesterday was interesting. I ran into two colleagues that I haven't seen for awhile. They said that I looked really happy and that I looked great. The compliment made me happy. Then they said "You must be dating ". That made me not so happy...

If I look happy does it HAVE to be because of a guy? Sheesh!

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