Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Day Without a Cellphone

Last Thursday, as I rushed out of the office to pick up the children, I forgot my blackberry on my desk. This may not seem like a big deal to the average Joe, but trust me when I say that I felt totally paralyzed for the next 16 hours.

I have had a cellphone since maybe 1992 or something. I've always had one on me. I don't think I've used a payphone since then. My calendar, my email, my contact list is all in that device. I am lost, stupid and unreachable without it.

So, driving home through the snow, I was horrified when I realized I didn't have it with me. I knew I had an appointment on my way home, roughly knew the time, but wasn't sure. What I was doing after that, I couldn't remember.

The snow slowed me down. I was running late. I didn't have a phone with which I could call to let them know. I didn't have the number either. Eventually I found a payphone (trust me, they are hard to come by), and of course, I don't carry money. I am the debit card freak. I use it for a pack of gum. So, I ruffled around for change and found a quarter. Only to realize payphones now cost fifty cents (when did that happen??). This one didn't take a credit card. I had to find some change to call my appointment, and luckily I knew the number by memory. I then found a loonie, called my mom and asked her to get the kids.

When I finally made it to my mom's place by 6:45, my daughter informed me that she had her winter concert that night, at 7pm, and that she had to wear a black dress. We rushed home, changed her, and got her to the concert. They rushed her onto stage just as the first song was starting. Thank God we made it.

When I got home, I had frantic voicemails from Mr. NYC who was freaking out because it is unheard of for me not to be accessible by cellphone, and he knew about the bad weather in Toronto. Naturally, he was afraid that I had an accident or something, because I didn't call him (I usually call him every day as I leave the office), and I wasn't picking up my phone or responding to his text messages.

The next day, I almost missed my conference call as I didn't have the number, and don't know my colleagues' numbers by memory. I was totally lost.

When I got to the office and found my phone, I was ready to kiss it. That is how happy I was to have it back.

Sad, but true.


Anonymous said...


Seriously, if you had a cellphone since 1992, they used to be, I remember them as a kid; literally, carried around in (today's) laptop sized suitcases, then I'm sure you're quite tech-savvy. There's also a big chance that you carry or at least have a laptop, if not, then wow, you sure should get one! I've learnt through an uglier way to backup everything! And in my quest to stop the smartphone/pda addiction, I found out many ways to one important step (backup)!

I suggest using bluetooth to sync both laptop and phone. You would pair them securely, and let them sync away on auto (whenever they meet, lol, and usually they only update each other on anything new since their last meeting :). You're left with the internet problem for which I would suggest the tiny wireless usb modem from Bell, it's so essential on the go, extremely compact and even high speed (you can get much cheaper ones for pay as you go use)! Oh, almost forgot, now that calendar, to do lists, contacts, et al., and connection to the net are taken care of, you need a phone right? SIP number is what you need (voip-extension phoneline on computer software, like Skype but without the chat, and supports all area codes unlike Skype), similar to Vonage's orange usb key phone (but personally I think that is too expensive for the same features! Support is what you're paying for really with them). SIP numbers are available online and off for around $5 and even less, and a super option (for me at least), you can choose any area code, even country/city codes with some companies (I use a local company in Toronto). Finally, Forward Mr. Berry to laptop's SIP number on the -no answer- option and there you go (make sure to use your original voicemail or add one to the SIP). You backed it all up!!! And now have a replica of your blackberry for much cheaper, lol.

Too much? You can shortcut it. Copy the simcard and place in laptop (many new laptops have simcard slots, mine; dell), for use as a phone and have internet access on the go.

If you don't carry a laptop because its too heavy, then next birthday ask for a mini laptop from Nokia, Ericsson, or any phone manufacturer (phone integrated tiny touchscreen computers, basically they make PDA's obsolete)! Though watch it, they're very expensive, lol. Nokia has a decent entry level for $1000 approx. (The super ones are $3000+, especially that they hold the power of a low to mid level laptop!)

Least headache? Using a nonsimcard phone? Then you might find it best to get an extra, less expensive bb, with the same number from the same provider (or different) and backup always using many methods such as bluetooth above, and keep it in a neutral zone (car for example). OR even mix and match from above.

Point is: It is so important to always back up everything, not only hard disks anymore, even phones and this blog too lol. Payphones are the least of your worries. Malicious spywares are way more serious! My wireless router got virus infected once! The thought scares anyone who depepnds on mobile devices especially with the recent ever increasing outbreaks of mobile and cellphone viruses. Imagine a downtime of days in your case and not only hours!

Convenience is expensive, let alone depending on it AND protecting it! Sad ... but necessary! Hope this helped.

Good luck and thanks for the story, I enjoyed it.

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Thank you

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