Sunday, July 22, 2007


I had a decent weekend. I mostly did work, but I did it all at my own pace. I worked on some personal paperwork for most of the weekend, and spent the bulk of the day re-organizing my closet, going through clothes, and purging out things that I held onto for sentimental reasons. I'm feeling pretty good, but still pretty tired.

The stress herbs that I have been on are awesome. I feel like I'm handing life alot better. I feel calmer, and I'm sleeping at night. The weight loss (mostly from the diet) and the elimination of the acne is pretty awesome too. I'm loving this. Let's hope it keeps up...

The kids came home safe and sound. They seem a bit more uprooted than usual, a bit edgy etc, so I'm spending the evening at home to give them a sense of calm.

I got a letter from my ex's jerky lawyer on Friday. They actually had the audacity to say that my ex is a great father, and that the CAS cleared him on two occasions, so the only reason I am trying to give him supervised visits to the children is because I'm mean spirited, vindictive, and that I am likely coaching the children into being afraid of their father. WTF is that all about? I was seriously ticked off. And then I realized that of course they are going to say that. They have nothing else to say, and they can't have concrete evidence, because it isn't remotely true. Mr. Abusive can't escape his own actions this time.

Just wait...cuz I have a game plan. Part of that plan involves patience. My ducks will be in a row soon enough if all goes well. I feel this is my last chance to save and protect my children, and I have been working diligently at just that. And yeah, any more of this crap and I'm going to start going on the slander/defamation of character front and nailing them for that too. But like I said, I'm still calm at the moment. And it's been serving me well. My lawyer once said to me that if you give a man enough rope, he'll hang himself. I think she was right. My crazy ex husband just can't help himself. No matter how hard he tries, his natural crazy side comes right out, and the world gets to watch, and I get to take notes :)

So here I am, Sunday night, on the couch, laptop on lap, legs stretched out, blogging. This is nice. The children are just a couple of feet away colouring in their brand new colouring books and being the total picture of serenity. I love it when they get along like this. Thankfully, that is most of the time.

I'll start putting them to bed in an hour or so. In the meantime, I'll go finish the laundry. No more was fun though.

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