Sunday, September 22, 2013

Study Habits

I find it amazing that children these days have no sense of how to study.  It just blows my mind.  I remember when I was in school, we would come home, have a snack, and start studying.  We would study until our homework was done, taking a break only for dinner.  Kids these days are so different.  They will put studying off until the last minute, with no sense of time management.  I remember once my son forgot to complete his homework, realized at 9:30pm and had the audacity to ask me to write the teacher a note.  I did write a note.  The note said "he failed to do his homework, please ensure he gets and adequate consequence".  He was livid.  I didn't care.

As I watch my children study, I am shocked.  I wonder if it's a reflection of how children are these days (lazy, self entitled), or if it's the way culture is and I am just old.

My kids fly through their homework.  They never double check their work, and when they do their homework, it's with earbuds in their ears and music blasting.  They say it helps them focus.  I know for a fact that I cannot think with any sound around me.  Is it just different ways of learning, or is it a sign of a generation that just doesn't care as much?

I remember being the girl who would find the most obscure spot in the library to park for the day.  My kids will study with a TV on, music on, whatever.  Their answer is that they are good multi-taskers.  I think its just an excuse.

I'm not sure though.  My son typically does alright in school and he is the one with the loudest blaring music while studying.  Am I just old?

This weekend I cracked down on the kids.  I shut off all electronics and made them study my way.  The kids are grumpy and miserable.  I know.  It sounds mean.  But let's see what test grades they get tomorrow.  If they do better, I will be doing more of this.  If they get the same grades (or lower), I will permit them to go back to their blasting music.

They of course, do not know I am doing this experiment.  Let's see how it goes.

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